

Let’s envision a holistic plan for your garden to make it ecologically rich and beautiful at a reasonable maintenance level. We can then set up a recurring schedule — monthly, quarterly, whatever makes ense for your needs

Eco Yards

We work with you to reimagine your yard as urban paradise. We take care of design, installation, and give you an easy-to-follow maintenance plan. Eco-yards heavily feature native plants, edibles, and smart design that minimizes weeding and water

Rain Gardens + Cisterns

We are a certified RainWise contractor specializing in the installation of green stormwater infrastructure. Want a way to put all that rainfall to use rather than send it straight to the storm drains? Warning: I will nerd out about this if you are interested

Patios + Pathways

We can build gravel, paver, and flagstone paths and seating areas, which are often an important compliment to a thoughtful garden